The Technology and Research Initiative Fund
TRIF provides much needed funding to promote university research, development and technology transfer related to the knowledge-based global economy. It was funded by Prop. 301 in 2000 and extended through 2041 by Governor Ducey and the Arizona Legislature as part of the Prop. 301 extension in 2018.
Image at right courtesy of Northern Arizona University
Making Life in Arizona Better, Today
Did you know that you are supporting Arizona Innovators who are working on making life better for all of us?
Investing in Our Future
Each time you pay sales tax in Arizona, a small amount is invested into TRIF, the Technology & Research Initiative Fund. Part of Education 2000 (Prop. 301), TRIF investments in Arizona’s universities support the people and research projects that benefit Arizonans.
Improving Health
TRIF funded researchers are working to help us live longer and have a better quality of life.

Jennifer Barton, biomedical engineering professor and BIO5 Institute Director, has devoted nearly a decade developing a falloposcope to detect ovarian cancer in its early stages.
A Better World
TRIF funded researchers are working to protect the environment and our naturall resources.

Bruce Rittmann is using natural processes to do a variety of work for us, including using bacteria to clean up contaminants in wastewater.
Looking Beyond
TRIF funded researchers support space exploration & optical solutions that are out of this world.

A program at Arizona State University is starting undergraduate students on a career path that could lead them to join NASA spaceflight mission teams.
(Photo by D. Garcia/ASU )
Keeping Us Safe
TRIF funded researchers work on defense & security systems to protect our troops.

Josh LaBaer and his team are working to build a field-deployable, point-of-care device that will determine in 30 minutes or less if a person has been exposed to weapons of mass destruction or their precursors.
By the Numbers
The Arizona Board of Regents and Arizona’s public universities received approximately $126 million in TRIF revenue in fiscal year 2022. This is up from more than $121 million in FY 21 and $84 million in FY20.
To view the detail of sponsored projects, click on the name of the university: Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, The University of Arizona.
Total TRIF revenue received to date since the inception of the program in June 2001 is over $1.4 billion.
TRIF Annual Reports and project plans are available on the ABOR web site at:
TRIF research is performed by a combination of the world-class researchers that TRIF funding has helped our universities to attract and a cadre of Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, and Post Doctoral Appointees (Post Docs.)
Together, they are asking questions, finding answers, and learning from each other as they work side by side.
TRIF is more than just university research, it is an opportunity to educate, train, and prepare our students for 21st Century Careers.
(Refresh your screen to see how many researchers were funded by TRIF in FY 2022.)
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
Academic & Post Docs
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